Step One; Part V


More Basic Advertising Online



We are now going to dive into some basic advertising. The First Critical Skill is “Effective Advertising”. So let’s begin with basic safelist advertising. Watch this video to get started. This video will explain our home site AEMailer.CLUB and all the tons of things to help you. It will also explain our other downline builder called the “Training Steps“. In our opinion, you should focus on the Sixteen Steps and then if you want to add your links to the downline builder (Training Points in AEMailer.COM), do that when you have some extra time. 


Crash Course Basics of Safelist Marketing:
The thing to understand about safelist advertising is that you can join a lot of sites completely for free and spend time clicking on others ads earning credits so that you can advertise and others will see your ads. It works but there are a lot of pro’s and cons. We will talk about these later. The other option is to just pay the ad company and you will be able to send out ads without having to work hard viewing others ads.
For my first three months working online, I spend HOURS each day earning credits in order to send my ads at the end of the day. The thing is that if your ad doesn’t convert and get subscribers very well, it can be a complete waste of time. And if your subscribers don’t connect with you from your email list, it also is a waste of time. Remember what I told you earlier about your cold market not knowing you or trusting you? This is all part of it. So a lot of people become disillusioned with their advertising because of all the complexities that can go wrong.
Basically, I worked for years without consistent results working in safelists and I had lots of paid advertising. The thing I didn’t understand was how my skills implementing or not implementing the 5 Critical Skills effected my results.
So depending on what strategy you want to use, will determine how helpful the link below is to you or not. Elizabeta and I own and we have made HUGE discounts especially for our team (that no one else is able to get) in order to help you get started advertising with an awesome package that will help you Begin Your Advertising Journey On the Right Foot.
When you’re done with the link below MAKE sure to COME BACK here and keep reading for further instructions below this link.
Here are some Advertising Basic Review in case you need to go over some things again that will help you get to the next level and give more advertising secrets:


When you’re done with getting your basic advertising set up, you will find more advertising sites on your Team leaders Site under “Traffic” or on the Downline Builder under “Safelists and Advertising Sites” (see further down for instructions)


If you couldn’t afford any of the advertising in the link above, then you have your work cut out for you below joining the 20 mailers and safelists below. You will be able to join them for free but you will need to pay in TIME what you don’t have in MONEY.


Over five years, I slowly saved up each month and spent it on OTO’s (one time offers). I often saved and spent $100 for these OTO’s and after five years of slowly doing this, I had about 100 paid advertising sites. I didn’t need to click for credits and could spend only half an hour of work each day to get all my advertising done.



However, I found out later that having an upgrade allowed me to earn MORE CREDITS for the ads I did click on. And I found that there were still many more safelists that I had not joined and that I didn’t have money to upgrade in at the time. So I gave myself a couple extra hours each day when I had time to just click on email ads and earn credits for these additional mailer sites.


Just to keep you informed, Elizabeta and I DO NOT suggest clicking for credits with “Surfing Only Sites”. We literally tested out surfing only sites with thousands and thousands of hits and got 0 subscribers. So basically you’re most likely wasting your time to click on “surfing only” sites.  Mailers and Safelists are different however, and give you unlimited time to actually view the ad pages after you click the links from your email. This is crucial to getting subscribers.


You can see 20 different safelist, mailers and advertising sites from connecting with your team leaders Downline Builder page. See illustration: 




Join all twenty but make sure you create a special Gmail account JUST FOR ADVERTISING, or you will get your regular email swamped with ads!


Then open this Gmail account each day and click to earn credits so that you will be able to send ads too. There will be more info on this in Step 2. For this step, just join all twenty safelists if you didn’t join the advertising special above.



IF you DID join and pay for the special advertising package, then learn how to send your ads through each of these sites. Either way, this will help you begin to earn the credits you need to send enough ads to earn 1000 hits a week.


Remember that hits are when a real person visits your website. It’s not when you send an ad to a persons email. That’s just an ad sent but not a hit until the person opens the email ad and click the link and sees your website ad.


Here’s a short video on how to find out your “hit” count HERE.


You can go to your team leaders page here: TEAM LEADERS LINK.

Don’t forget to find your team leaders name and click on it to go to their page!


Don’t forget. When you become a team leader we will give you the permission to share the Sixteen Steps and we will add your links to your team leaders page.

Also don’t forget that if you are in transition from one team leader to the next, that the main leader who is/has helped you the most deserves for you to use their team leaders page with their links on it.



Now let your team leader know your thoughts on these following questions: 
Let your team leader know when: 
1) What are your thoughts on creating massive leverage online?
2) How many people you’ve contacted on your list and how you’re doing


with the “Non Magic Formula”? 
3) Did you connect with your team leader on Facebook and Skype?
4) What are your thoughts on the Sixteen Steps as a Funnel?
5) If you’re in PMS or PLS, were you able to get your funnel started? Explain.
6) Did you click the red button and join the “Advertising specials” or (if you couldn’t afford it) join the 20 advertising sites for free in the Downline Builder?
7) Have obtained the book “The 12 Pillars” and started reading it.
Let your team leader know so you can move to Step Two! 

We look forward to helping you! Email us at:


