Warm & Cold Market
First let’s go over your list and how that’s going for you. As you know, the bigger your list, the bigger chance you will have of finding someone that will want to join you. It’s important that you try to use the “Non Magic Formula” below to connect with your list. If you do this, you will have a much higher chance of success. It’s important to understand your two markets: Your “warm market” and your “cold market”. Your warm market are people who know you and probably trust you. Your cold market are those who don’t know you and don’t trust you. Trust is at the very core of whether someone joins you and becomes a paying member.
Until you understand how to create trust with your cold market, understand that creating income by advertising online to your cold market will give you little success. It’s our goal to try and teach you this but in the meantime how will you follow the Power of One” and get one new member a month if you aren’t trying to connect with those who trust you?
Second, do you remember the 7 parts to Alan Cosens “The Non Magic Recruiting Formula“? This will take ALL the STRESS off of you and help you so you don’t need to worry about trying to “convince” people to join you. Let’s go over them one more time:
Let’s go through it one more time:
The start is CONTACT. Unless you make contact, nothing can happen. Then you have to COMMUNICATE a simple message and qualify whether they are interested. Creating a little RAPPORT will help to create a good feeling between the two of you. The message could be a question such as “are you interested in making more income?“. The person would QUALIFY by simply saying “yes” or “no”. No other questions need to be asked. Nothing about the nature of the business needs to be discussed. In fact if they don’t qualify, then nothing should be said. Qualification should be like a GATE. They are either blocked by the gate by not qualifying or they pass the gate by saying “yes”.
If someone avoids the question by saying “what is it?”, you don’t need to answer it until they qualify or don’t qualify by answering your question first. If they say “yes” then you can “invite” them to see a presentation such as a video or some presentation. You don’t need to do the presentation yourself – in fact its more duplicatable if you don’t (because very few people can present it as it deserves). Then you just need to follow up with them later after they watch the video (or presentation) and see what they thought and answer questions. It doesn’t hurt to have your sponsor or a someone who is succeeding in the business to help you answer the questions. This could be done with a 3-way call for instance.
For your information, this formula can be used with people you trust (your warm market) or those who don’t know or trust you (your cold market). Give feedback to your sponsor or team leader to let them know how many people are on your list and how you’re doing communicating with them. Later in this Step, we’re going to show you how to start advertising online to your cold market. Remember, your cold market don’t know or trust you and learning how to create trust takes skill (learning the 5 Critical Skills to be exact).