Step 9, Part 5


Part Five



Preparing yourself for becoming team leader  


What EXACTLY is the MOST

important thing to have success? 




The first roadblocks that most people face are NOT technology or marketing. You cannot really make progress to accomplish your goal until you figure out these four things:


Mindset, Expectations,

Strategy and Consistency.


We will cover this more in depth in Step Ten. However, for now we want you to think about these four things and try and remember how we have discussed these topics in the Sixteen Steps so far.

So, what do you remember?


We have talked about we have talked about Consistency in Step Three.

We have talked about Strategy and Duplication in Step five and six. 

.Mindset in Step Seven, and Expectations in Step Eight.

Take a second to think back since these are so important. 


Of course, marketing and advertising are very important too. That’s why in this step we are going to cover what you need to do to build your team and how to get the advertising that you need to begin that process. Later in Step Fourteen we will cover additional marketing strategies in detail.


Part Five,



Here are the steps to help your new

team RECOGNIZE you as a real LEADER.


They are still recognizing the original team leader that brought them into GDI. So how to get them to switch over to you? 


1) HINT: Email your team each week with a short but personal message offering to help them with the Sixteen Steps, with their website, or anything else that is relevant.
2) Start your weekly newsletter and team email. This is crucial to gain their loyalty and to build your credibility with your team. When you begin bringing in new members, they will not know your sponsor and its crucial you come in with a strong presence that commands respect and confidence that you are there to help and guide them.
3) Writing something valuable to your team in each of your newsletters. This constant devotion to your team may take a little time each week but along with your weekly care and concern for each team member, this will be the glue that holds your team together and keeps members on your team for a long time. If they are good team members and lifting their share of the teamwork, then this will only go to support them. If they are not doing anything, they will at least know that you are committed to them and a consistent leader and will respect this. Hopefully during the time, they are on your team, you will have the chance to help move them into action.
Want a duplicatable team website that you can change the links on and make it your own? This site is all set up for you! You can go here. To get the HTML to set this page on your site, just simply email Albie at for the HTML code. 

4) As a successful team leader, you need to have a combined total of more than 3000 hits a week to bring new members in your team. This is true ESPECIALLY in the beginning when your team may or may not be doing many hits.


Yes, I know this is not the ideal way. In theory you shouldn’t even have to hit a thousand hits. There is a way to do it. But this is in a perfect world and that world doesn’t exist; or if it does, it exists on a very fine-tuned team that is far from easy to duplicate. 

Don’t forget to be sure you add your traffic links to the email letter you send out. We can show you how to use the HTML editor if you would like to create the letter in a more interesting and fun form or you can just add the links with the name of the best Safelists you recommend.
Here are some tips for your Weekly Team letter:
“Creating content for team website” & “Where to copy content and how to tweak it” was covered in Step 8, so please go back to that Step if you need review.
Sample Things to Say in Team Newsletter:
Albie has made a “duplicatable team site” for you that you can simply copy and paste onto your website and then simply add your information. There are at least 30 – 100 articles connected to this site so these will help you and your team. The format has already been set up for you so this will help you a lot. In addition, you can eventually edit these articles with your own links etc. But be careful not to try to do too much all at once!  You can see the Duplicatable Team Sites here
Here are some real basic topics to include in your team update:
a) “So, this week we got (?) new people who signed up to find out more about GDI Team Elite and (?) who are now in the process of actually joining and (?) new member! Great work!”
b) “Great work on getting all your hits for the team! Our co-op unites us all together to get hits and allowing us more signups because of our focus! Great work making it all happen!”
c) “With Team Elite’s help we will get your 6 members in the course of time. This is teamwork and we work together to help everyone to build a downline.  Teamwork means all of us will need to help with the advertising. If you need help, we can show you how you can do this.”

d) Highly recommended to do as soon as possible…The learning bonus!

“I want to also encourage you do to the GDI Learning Bonus so that you can earn $25 during your first few weeks. It is best to get started on it after you joined because you only have eight weeks to complete all the steps to get the bonus of $25.”

Co-Team leading with Sponsors help.
Allow your leader to co-partner with you with your new team in helping you get “off the ground” so to speak! It does take a little time to get the hang of it but once you do, you will be off and running.
Realize that sometimes team members drop out, so reading and implementing the Secret of the Big Dogs will help you make up for team members who are either not participating or who are not helping the team to get their weekly hits. This was a big problem for Albie when he first started but the “Big Dogs” helped him to get the hits needed and the new members to keep the fire burning. Ask your team leader about the Big Dogs link if you need it. 
Realize also that weekly communication with your team via the team email and by personally emailing your team will help you build that rapport that you need to build a strong team!
Okay, so you have now come to the end of Step 9. These are the review questions below to answer and email back to your team leader:
1. Have you gone through The Secret of the Big Dogs and Referral Frenzy Training? NOTE: The Referral Frenzy “Strategy” is at the end of the RF Training and is a separate page. If you haven’t gone through them, we greatly encourage you not to miss out on these.
2. You should have also read all the “Advanced Traffic Secrets” and please share your thoughts about it with your team leader. 
3. Do you understand the concepts to creating capture pages? Did the video on capture pages help you? Please try making a new capture or splash page. Let your team leader know if you need help! Then send him the link to your new capture page.
4. Do you feel empowered to bring in 3000 hits a week now? If not you either need to join the Mentors Program, gain more credits by clicking on upgraded safelists, or use the Secret of the Big Dogs/Referral Frenzy and/or Advanced Marketing Secrets to make this happen.
I would NOT encourage you to go to the next step until you have a grasp upon a real solution for getting at least 3000 hits a week!
FINISHED? Talk to your team leader about going on to Step Ten and understanding all about your Email List! 






Copywritten by Albion Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska 2022

No authorization to use or copy original material within the Sixteen Steps without permission.

The only exception is unless material is originally owned by a different author.

Our contact information and address:

Albion Derbyshire


22 W. Green St. apt 211.

Pasadena, CA. 91105