Part Five,
Preparing yourself for becoming team leader
What EXACTLY is the MOST
important thing to have success?
The first roadblocks that most people face are NOT technology or marketing. You cannot really make progress to accomplish your goal until you figure out these four things:
Mindset, Expectations,
Strategy and Consistency.
We will cover this more in depth in Step Ten. However, for now we want you to think about these four things and try and remember how we have discussed these topics in the Sixteen Steps so far.
So, what do you remember?
We have talked about we have talked about Consistency in Step Three.
We have talked about Strategy and Duplication in Step five and six.
.Mindset in Step Seven, and Expectations in Step Eight.
Take a second to think back since these are so important.
Of course, marketing and advertising are very important too. That’s why in this step we are going to cover what you need to do to build your team and how to get the advertising that you need to begin that process. Later in Step Fourteen we will cover additional marketing strategies in detail.
Part Five,
Here are the steps to help your new
team RECOGNIZE you as a real LEADER.
They are still recognizing the original team leader that brought them into GDI. So how to get them to switch over to you?
4) As a successful team leader, you need to have a combined total of more than 3000 hits a week to bring new members in your team. This is true ESPECIALLY in the beginning when your team may or may not be doing many hits.
Yes, I know this is not the ideal way. In theory you shouldn’t even have to hit a thousand hits. There is a way to do it. But this is in a perfect world and that world doesn’t exist; or if it does, it exists on a very fine-tuned team that is far from easy to duplicate.
d) Highly recommended to do as soon as possible…The learning bonus!
“I want to also encourage you do to the GDI Learning Bonus so that you can earn $25 during your first few weeks. It is best to get started on it after you joined because you only have eight weeks to complete all the steps to get the bonus of $25.”
Copywritten by Albion Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska 2022
No authorization to use or copy original material within the Sixteen Steps without permission.
The only exception is unless material is originally owned by a different author.
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