Step 8, Part 1



Part One:

The Critical Importance of a Six Figure Mentor! 

We want you to understand how important a six or seven figure mentor is in your success.
Because if you’re not making an amazing amount of money in a few months you will be wondering if ALL THIS WORK IS WORTH IT!
At that moment, all that will matter, is who’s making all the money and how.
For me, the very idea that I could actually succeed, boiled down to having a solid example to follow. For me it was realizing that my mentor Alan really had succeeded online and following his lead and the lead of other six and sevens figure earners over the years.
Honestly, it took me years to find a real mentor that I really could trust and talk with personally, someone who I respected and who earned my trust. I realized from his sheer mass of knowledge and experience and from his willingness to share the naked numbers with me – I knew he was telling me the truth. My journey finding a good mentor cost me years of time learning from various mentors and thousands of dollars in expense.
Here’s a question for you: What are you willing to go through to find success? What are you willing to pay? (I’m not trying to get you to spend anything here. Just to think).
I want you to understand its not an easy road. It takes time and patience and planning and yes it takes investing in things to learn and grow. And I’m not talking necessarily about money. But money was definitely part of the equation for me and most likely it will be for you as well. But money can be acquired with time and patience and the road will open to you in time no matter what road block there is! Patience is the tool you need to have.

Let’s talk a second about your



When you think about it, we need six amazing leaders each on our personal team. We then need each one of those six who eventually bring in six amazing leaders of their own. This takes patience. 

6×6 leaders equals 36 amazing leaders. This is the theoretical number that will multiply to create the income you are looking for. To create this in reality is a testament to duplication and vision and understanding – not an easy feat …but nothing exceptional is easy.

And this is how amazing income online is created …the main job is to find your first six that are exceptional. This means lots of personal development to become the person you’re meant to be to meet the people you need to find who are attracted to the leader you have become. READ THAT OVER TWICE!

(What exactly did that mean?)


Let me put into English:

Read the Science of Getting Rich again, Read “Think and Grow Rich” and Read Jim Rohn and others who will inspire you. (Or listen to them on audible) And not only listen…consider doing what they say! This will help you ATTRACT THE RIGHT PEOPLE. The Six leaders you REALLY need. 


Too hard? Forget success then. I’m serious. You should stop now.


Why do you think that in EVERY Step, we share with you the Twelve Pillars by Jim Rohn? This is so you will be encouraged to actually READ IT! LOL!

So if you continue…


Of course the real challenge is to make a difference for others and to be a catalyst for helping people have better lives

It always take a long time to find good leaders – it’s not easy at all . But I have seen many, many people accomplish it. One of my mentors many years ago was Robert Hollis? He helped 52 people duplicate and become leaders and eventually millionaires. He did this through Network Marketing. We are doing it through Online Marketing – which is slightly different. But team building always has the same basic elements. 

The thing is that no matter how you do it – communication and friendship is always a big part of it. And so many people want to succeed and this seed of hope can be like an ember inside them that you want to ignite into a flame. The thing is to make certain that you point them to someone more successful than yourself – this is critical.

​You know I don’t think anyone is happy to take the rejection, constant failure and crazy determination that is required to succeed in business – that’s why we’re looking for the few who have a big enough reason to not quit. Remember Step One and your “Why“? This is where the rubber really hits the road.

.Now, finding these people like yourself takes time but it’s worth it. It makes all the pain seem less, somehow.


I would share with you that five years is an adequate amount of time to see yourself starting to getting somewhere. I mean, it takes a year just to learn the ropes. It could very well take three years just to get those incredible leaders under you that you need. And the last two years to see the duplication start taking off.*


.Does the thought of five years scare you? It shouldn’t. Its just reality. Think about it. Spend some time contemplating the reality of this. You’re building a real business here – one that you want to set you free financially! We aren’t just playing the lottery. Nothing substantial of any lasting value happens without a lot of focused work. And if you get lucky and find success early, often you will feel like you didn’t really earn it. This will hurt you in the end. * No income guarantees are being shared here.


One more story: It took us from 2012 to 2017 just to find out that most things online don’t work and that GDI, PMS & PLS do work. That’s a bunch of years to just get to where you are RIGHT NOW.


Let’s get back to the Six Figure Mentor:

You may be wondering why I haven’t shared a six figure mentor from GDI Team Elite? That’s a loaded question but just know that Sanjenka (who created GDI Team Elite) was a very successful marketer but she became very ill. Still, what she started all those years ago has STILL continued! To say she understood duplication is an understatement! So to answer your question, I do not think Sanjeka is open to mentoring others but I may possibly be wrong here. 
I won’t say that all the mentors I went through were a waste of time because I learned a lot from each. I can only say that one mentor really connected the dots for me. And that was Alan Cosens. I’m not saying he is perfect – no one is. So be aware of the very real possibility of disappointment with anyone.
Here’s a question: Did Alan do it all for me? No, it took my persistence to walk through all the difficulties that still arose. Babies have to fall down a LOT before they figure out how to walk. That’s just the way it is. 

I have seen Alan’s earning statements and have seen what he typically earns in a day, week and year. Not only this but he has real experience with taxes in these higher brackets from all of his personal experiences. He also has a lot of negative stories of what has happened to him over the years. His answers to me showed solid financial advice. And when he talks to you, his personal numbers are all there – almost exact numbers on his costs, his subscribers, his conversions, his earnings, what has worked over the years and why and what hasn’t and exactly why…taking to him is quite an experience and he leaves no room for doubt as he filled in any detail I wanted to know from personal experience.


I urge you to actually get to know him yourself. There used to be a free program called “IncomeJack” where you could meet him and talk with him on Facebook. However, Alan took this program offline some time ago. So now you have to join PLS under us (directly or indirectly) if you want to meet Alan. Today, there is a program where Alan walks you through his methods of winning online called “The PLS Masterminds. Remember, you need to be in PLS to enter. If you haven’t joined, you may join your team leader through this link (and if you’re already in PLS) then You can join PLS Masterminds HERE.  Will Alan take you serious if you don’t put some time into PLS and work hard at it? Probably NOT.

What I would NOT DO is ask him about GDI and PMS. He knows about these but his main programs are “The Power Lead System” and some other programs you will see him promoting. But what I learned from Alan was real internet marketing. He also teaches network marketing but in the PLS Masterminds he teaches things like building your list. Communicating with your list. These things he’s interested in. too! These are things GDI Team Elite, PMS and PLS also teaches you.
GDI, PMS & PLS brought me around to the fact of building my list too and It took me going through GDI Team Elite to wake me up to what Alan had been teaching me all along. I realized that GDI Team Elite was interested in teaching me the same things Alan was.
The advertising with GDI Team Elite, PMS & PLS works with Safelist Marketing which is potentially free for everyone. The two main ways Alan advertises is through Network Marketing (which I did for years but was not a big fan of talking to my friends and family or connecting with strangers at the supermarket. I am however, very good at it) and Internet Marketing (and he spends thousands of dollars on advertising).
So I’m laying out the foundation for you to understand that if you use ONLY Alan’s method, you will place yourself in position of having to either advertise to all your friends and family or to spend a lot of money on advertising. To be fair, there are some free sources Alan teaches on social media, and this can be found in PLS under “Training/ Endless Free Leads”.  
Now let me give you an example of past team leaders who have NOT taken this advice to connect with a six figure earner. They fell victim to these doubts:
Doubt 1) Does GDI/PMS/PLS really work? I mean with GDI, you only earn a $1 for each member? 100 members means you only earn $100 a month. How can you possibly make six figures?”
ANSWER: Duplication. Don’t forget the GDI calculator! When you are seeing your team leaders bringing in new paying members almost every day, you will see how things get really rolling. Also, lets go back to the Slight Edge in Step One. Did you read the story of the water hyacinth? If you didn’t, you’re REALLY missing out! 
Remember the penny doubled in Step One and Two? Remember how the penny doubled exponentially? IT DIDN’T EVEN LOOK LIKE ANYTHING SUBSTANTIAL until after day nineteen (3/4 of the way)! On Day nineteen it had only doubled to $2621. But in those last ten days it doubled to FIVE MILLION!
Think about this and remember earlier what I said about five years to really grow your team. Do you see why it potentially takes three years just to get your team in position to suddenly jump and duplicate to six figures? (And of course I can’t give you income guarantees here, but only solid ideas that I have learned from six and seven figure mentors). 
Doubt 2)There are too many up-sells in the Steps to Six Figures. I don’t like it!”
ANSWER: Assets. Millionaire’s are constantly building new assets and these assets begin with investing in solid business’s or real-estate that will bring in monthly residual income and cash flow. Don’t believe me? Read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. I mean, do you really want to wait for years and years to build your income? Multiple income streams means more income to you faster! This is an additional solution to #1 Doubt, too.
Two suggestions: Don’t be in a rush to upgrade in everything. This will possibly hurt you financially. Just go one step at a time! Be happy about these assets because these will eventually turn your business into something VERY profitable! I make sales from showing my team valuable assets all the time and you can too!
3)Why do you suggest all this reading books and going through programs? Why don’t you focus on teaching GDI/PMS/PLS more?”
ANSWER: I don’t even know why I’m answering this question as it shows sheer ignorance. But I will anyway: knowledge is power and like Jim Rohn said: “Work harder on yourself then you work on your job.” and “Formal education will earn you a living, but self education will earn you a fortune.” This is the advice of a multi millionaire, so there should be little that needs to be added to it.
We have focused on building your GDI Team Elite/PMS/PLS business in each and every step and this is ten times more then what has been provided for in the past. Now I hope these doubts have been accounted for and answered.
So now, consider getting to know a six figure mentor a little. Sure it’s INCONVENIENT and a little hard to know what to say, but get past this. Just start building the relationship a little at a time and then when things get rough, you will have them available to answer your difficult questions and give you support to not give up.
We also advise you to join the “Mentor’s Program” if you have not yet. This will allow you to not only possibly work with your team leader on a closer basis (if they are in the program) but this also opens the door to work with your upline senior mentor also. In addition you have the chance to meet Darren Olander through the Prosperity Marketing System. He is a very successful marketer. I’m not sure if he makes six figures but he’s done amazingly well online as you can see inside this video of the Prosperity Marketing System’s compensation plan:

I hope this encourages you. You can see the Mentors Program or scroll down to the Six-Figure Mentor on your team leaders link.
Has all this just been an excuse to get you in on another program? No it has not. I hope by now you can see that you need to have someone to follow who has gone where you want to go! And I’m pointing you to them as I hope you will point them to your team also.
This will take all the pressure off of you to be the one they focus on – which is critical to your success. I mean what if they ask you how much you earn? What will you tell them? Tell them that they can meet your six figure earner.
What Questions will You Ask your Six Figure Mentor?
Questions I would suggest:
1) How long did it take you to start succeeding online?
2) How do I grow my list really big?
3) How do I get lots of subscribers to my list?
4) How do I begin to communicate effectively to my list?
5) Why can’t I seem to get more people to buy from my ads online?
6) How long will it take me to build a big list?
7) Why is “Know, Like and Trust” so important? 
Honestly, all these questions are answered in the Sixteen Steps, but it doesn’t hurt to ask something that is relevant to them and that they can at least get an idea you are serious about marketing online. Take note that each of these questions are not exactly easy to answer so they might tell you to just complete one assignment at a time till you find the answer…(LOL)! But at least you will have broken through the ice. 
If you want to meet my mentor Alan yourself and speak with him on Facebook, and then in time potentially on Facebook Messenger or even maybe the phone too, You can check out:
Take a free seven day test run of the gold upgrade inside the:
Power Lead System (PLS)
In PLS you can get access from Albie or possibly your team leader to go through Alan’s “Phases” where he teaches you six or seven crucial steps in marketing.* Going through these “Phases” by Alan will add to your knowledge and confirm much of what we have been teaching you here. Alan works primarily with PLS and some other programs, so again, please do not ask him about GDI or PMS.
You can also join the Mentors Program and see all about it HERE
Inside the Prosperity Marketing System, you can try to connect with Darren Olander. 
You can also see your team leaders six figure mentor and ask them for more information about this. 

*(To go through the “Phases” your team leader will need to be in Albie’s downline

to help you get inside after you join the free seven day trial of PLS).


You can take a test run here : TEAM LEADERS LINK.

Don’t forget to find your team leaders name and click on it to go to their page!








Copywritten by Albion Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska 2021

No authorization to use or copy originial material within the Sixteen Steps without permission.

The only exception is unless material is originally owned by a different author.

Our contact information and address:

Albion Derbyshire


22 W. Green St. apt 211.

Pasadena, CA. 91105
