Part Five:
If you want to be a good team leader
you have to contact your team regularly.
One of the easiest ways is to do this is by creating a Facebook group. You can contact your members and share everything with them. They can ask you everything in the group and everyone can join the discussion. Everyone can join our group and become a moderator. As moderator, you can invite your members and connect with all members too.
Here is the link of our group:
After requesting to join our main group, now go to your Team Leaders Group and request to join that too: TEAM LEADERS LINK.
Don’t forget to find your team leaders name and click on it to go to their page!
Having a Facebook group can be a very powerful strategy for online income as you will see later.
You will see that many people come and go inside of your opportunities but if you can get a connection with them on FB you have DOUBLE the amount of power to help and share useful things with them!
Facebook allows these factors to be focused more on:
The three elements of effective selling: KNOW, LIKE & TRUST. Connecting via advertising allows people to KNOW you. Then by personal connections, you can achieve for people to LIKE you. Following this, TRUST must be earned.
The important thing is to remember to use Facebook and share a couple posts a week to build personal connections.
So in Step one, your team connect with you on Facebook. Often team members need the motivation to continue with the program and just seeing team posts from time to time will remind them that they are part of our program. Even if its just a personal post about something you like. The important part is just showing up.
Here are the Basics of Creating a Facebook Group:
1) Login into Facebook.
2) Go to “Groups”
3) Look for Tab to create New Group
4) Name your Group.
Suggestion: Find something you really enjoy making the group about. Albie likes sailing, so he made a sailing group.
5) Choose at least one friend to add to your group.
Suggestion: if you need help with this, you may ask your team leader if they would like to join.
6) Decide whether you want it to be “Public”, “Closed” or “Secret”.
7) Add a cover photo.
9) Pin your most important post to the top as an “announcement”. (Right click on mouse or use the little menu dots near the top of each post will allow you to do this). .
Ok so now let’s review with your team leader:
1) What is one common reason people fail? Share your thoughts about this.
2) Did you watch the three videos about the Science of Getting Rich? Any thoughts on these?
3) Did you read the Science of Getting Rich book. What were your thoughts?
4) List the Seven main areas of the Science of Getting Rich discussed in Part Four.
5) Did you join your team leaders Facebook group and start on making your own?
Let your Team Leader know if you need help and when you are done with your Facebook Group and with this Step.
Also, share your new group page with your leader!
