Step 5, Part 1



Step Five:





Part One:

Basics of Duplication


“If you are NOT willing to learn, no one can help you!

If you are determined to learn, no one can STOP you!”  

Zig Ziglar

Leverage and duplication are achieved the most with GDI (Even though PMS and PLS both also have it too). In GDI, after learning how to get your 1000 clicks for your team each week and what is needed to become a team leader, you must be able to achieve practical results or it will all be in vain.

You can eventually earn well by referring people to GDI , PMS or PLS. We’re not just talking about a one-time event…when you refer someone to GDI Team Elite, the Prosperity Marketing System or the Power Lead System; we’re talking about that person receiving support and a duplicatable system that is going to allow them to grow and build a successful business of their own – on your team too!


.All of this duplication is how you can earn a lot of money even if you only make a few personal sales. You say, “how’s that possible?” Well, let’s talk about the duplication in GDI first:


.So in GDI, it’s the power of 6… Get 6. Each of them will get 6 and so on. You will be paid up to the 5th level of your downline.  Right there you have already over 9300 people in your downline and you have the potential to earn over $9300 residual monthly income.


As you can see, with GDI you can earn residual income and you can potentially get paid FOREVER.


As you know the cost for GDI is $10 a month which is $120 a year. You will earn much more at the end of the year if you create team duplication but you have to be patient. 


Also, duplication is the act of duplicating the simple process of GDI and the Steps to Six Figures over and over again from one team to the next.


If you go off and do something completely different and make it harder for anyone to do what you just did – this is NOT duplicatable.


For instance, pretend you’re a web designer and you go out and use your skills to make this incredible, massively expensive web site. Hey it’s a great idea, and it can be an additional income source to bring your email readers too (as we teach in Step 11), but it’s NOT duplicatable for your team. So don’t expect people to be able to duplicate that. They either don’t have the money or the skills or both.


.If the masses of people cannot follow, you have lost the concept of duplication. Remember this: People will do what you just did, not what you just said and they will duplicate this! 


The basic Duplicatable GDI Team Elite System is:

1. Joining GDI under a team

2. Getting started with the training

3. Getting your 1000 hits a week for the team. This creates enough cumulative hits for the team to get sign ups each week (getting hits on your own does not create enough hits to get many sign ups).

4. Joining an autoresponder is also duplicatable. You can join the Power Lead System, AWeber, TrafficWave, AIOP or another under your leader so that you receive the share codes for the team autoresponder email campaign and capture pages.  Second, this is another income source for your team leader. You also will receive income source, when you have a team!


That’s the basics of duplication with GDI Team Elite.


So, with PMS, duplication is helping your team get started with this training and helping them to work through it. Make sure your team get an autoresponder such as AWeber, to begin building their list and learning the 5 Critical Skills so they can bring in one new member a month (The Power Of One).


With PLS, make sure your team either start in this training or “Take the Challenge“. Take the Challenge is preferrable for PLS as it is a much more direct approach to PLS (and they will be encouraged to continue with the Steps To Six Figures after they finish the Challenge). Everything is explained to them in the Challenge. PLS has all the tools you and they need to duplicate and succeed. Just encourage them to continue through it. 


See how simple it is? Can you duplicate that?


Okay, then why the Steps To Six Figures?


Good question.


“As a team leader I found so many “gaps” in knowledge and understanding of how real internet marketing works, that I felt it must be confronted.

.GDI, PMS and PLS are such great systems with such a terrific marketing platform that really work.


.I felt it a shame to not help our team learn what the highest paying internet marketers know. Also, I felt it important to create a system where you could make more money faster with programs and tools that support each other and that really help people to be the best leader they can be.


So, after twenty years of “bumps and bruises in marketing on and offline, I and our team has been able to put these Steps to Six Figures together in a duplicatable system that works.”



.And so, in conclusion, you MUST know this. If you mess this up, then forget about it. The key is duplication.


Remember the power of 6… Get 6, who then get 6, who get 6, who get 6 who get… This is really all it takes to make big money with GDI. A similar concept works with PMS and PLS also – just not with as much leverage. That’s why we encourage everyone to build a team in GDI too.  


Go to the GDI Income Calculator:

Statistically, the average marketer recruits 2 people. That’s just a fact. 
So click on the Calculator link above and Plug “2” in “# of People You May Recruit” 
Plug “2” in “# of people they will refer” 
That would give you a monthly income of $62…..hmmm…less than impressive. 
Now plug “6” into both fields……$9,330 per MONTH! 
Now THAT is a live-able income and is the goal for 
EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of our group! 
“Well that is all fine and dandy, but how can that be accomplished?’ 

By doing something very few (if any) marketers have done before. 

First of all, we promote GDI using a system of collective advertising 
where a Group of 6 or more people all advertise for a single individual (The Team Leader). 
Each person uses 100 credits in each of 6 traffic Safelists per day 
for a total per day of 3600 credits all advertising a single person. 
When that person gets 6 recruits he stops accepting new sign-ups for 
himself and instead focuses on signing up 6 for each of his 6. 

Does it work? Absolutely! 36-48 traffic Safelists
and 3600-4800 credits per day 
 result in 6 sign ups in a very short period of time. 

Why do we only get 6? Go back up to the GDI Calculator above and 
plug in 
6 and 6 again. 
EACH member can make $9330 per month by only having 6 
on their front line, then helping those 6 get 6, and so on. 
And how long does it take? That is impossible to say. Anyone that tells 
you that you will make X amount of dollars in X amount of time 
is purely guessing…..What if it takes a year? Or 2 years? 
Would you be willing to work cooperatively with 6-8 people for a 6-figure income? 

I CAN guarantee you it will happen a LOT quicker with our Team than 
on your own! Or the giant Teams all promoting a rotator. 
Think it takes longer to climb a 50-100 rung ladder….or a 6-12 rung ladder? 
Connect back with your team leader about this with your thoughts and questions. Then continue: 


D – U – P – L – I – C – A – T – I – O – N.


Does this take time? Yes, it does.

Creating duplication is like being a great mechanic and taking an old run-down engine and getting it to run perfectly smooth for a long time. It has to be done JUST RIGHT! 


Now we strongly encourage you to remember to complete the Steps to Six Figures in order and to help your team keep them in order. Also start to think of as many ways as you can to get YOUR GDI, PMS and PLS affiliate link (capture pages) in front of as many people as possible who you think might be interested in it.


.And this will make you very happy… BECAUSE:


Residual Income Creates Happiness

(and spells RICH!) 





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