Getting Your First Sale!
Part I:
The Formula Setup
If you want to create your FIRST FUNNEL on your website, then NOW is your chance! We have a PRE-BUILT Funnel for you. This funnel is called “The Formula” as it helps walks someone with $0 money and then shows them the formula to create income, re-invest it into a higher paying opportunity all the way up to PLS (where you can make $1000 per sale). This funnel uses GDI, PMS, PLS effectively and helps you earn with PLS three different ways:
1) From learning how to use it a team leader who shares this link with their team on their “Team Leaders” page).
2) Promoting this funnel page with a capture page where you can earn from it.
3) Learning how to earn from blogging. Once you go to “The Formula” then go to “Part 8″ to learn how to add it. There will be a way to access The Formula Share Codes inside PMS and videos on that page to learn how to create it. Also, if you get your site up and working, then we can add your capture page link to your special team link you promote every week. This way you will be able to promote your funnel, and PMS too! It’s VERY POWERFUL and will help you begin understanding how funnels work! This is a required step to pass Step 3, so for that reason that’s why we’re to help you if you get stuck!
Finished setting up your “Formula”? If so, great job! You’re doing awesome! Please let us know if you set it up!
Part II:
There are Three basic advertising LEVELS.
You can see that Level One is “Warm Network Marketing” and we’ve talked about this extensively in the Intro Step till now. If you worked hard at this method, you should have been able to find at least one person from a list of 100 people you know who would want to join you in GDI, PMS or PLS. IF YOU’VE GOT SOMEONE TO JOIN YOU EVEN JUST WITH THE FREE TRIAL, YOU WILL GET LEVEL ONE AWARD!
If you haven’t earned the award yet, keep practicing, but now we’re now going to give you the tools to understand the next two levels. Level two is network marketing and Level Three is doing ads online.
Cold Network Marketing
Using this method, I was able to get on average 1-2 people on my team each month for four years while I was focusing on network marketing. It is a reliable method and used all over the world. However, I was dissatisfied and wanted more results, so eventually I moved out of network marketing and on to online advertising. Nevertheless, as we have already seen, 1-2 recruits a month is ENOUGH to create a winning combination with the “Power of One“. I just wish I had been taught the “Power of One” and why focusing on teaching it to my team is so important. If so I may have been content with its results!
Implementing “Cold” Network Marketing
Before you go on to learn how to do this, read this little story to give you confidence and encourage you:
Okay! I hope that encouraged you!
You will still need the same basic strategy as Alan showed us with his “Non Magic Formula“:
Now, instead of using your list of those you know, you can now branch out to contacting those YOU DON’T KNOW. There are three ways of doing this:
1) Connecting with those friends of YOUR FRIENDS. In this way you can keep working in a “semi-warm” market indefinitely. There’s a lot of advantages to this but its sometimes very hard to control and takes a lot of skill sometimes to keep a handle on it without losing your leads. We will not teach this until Step 4 as you need to develop your communication skills first. We will call this method “Friends of Friends” for future reference.
2) Contacting people you come into contact with as your out about living life (such people you come into contact with at the grocery store, or shopping, or while getting a new tire, repair or something you need to do. We will call this “Random Encounters” for future reference. This skill is the easiest of the three mentioned here.
3) Connecting with people you don’t know on Social Media. This method is not as confrontational as the last one (Random Encounters), yet its much harder to actually get real results and paying members. It’s very extensive and is so detailed that it is beyond our ability to teach it extensively here. However, there is a $400 course that you can read everything about it in PLS just for taking the free 7 day trial with PLS. The course is called “Endless Free Leads” by Max Steingart. However it is only accessible through PLS so you would only have access to it for seven days for free. Otherwise you would need to pay the $400 or get a monthly PLS membership (which is ten times cheaper). Nevertheless, I will teach you one simple method later In Step Five, that you can implement but it’s reach is limited. This method we will call “Social Media Network Marketing” for future reference.
You can see your team leaders page here: TEAM LEADERS LINK.
Don’t forget to find your team leaders name and click on it to go to their page!
In ALL these methods, Alans “Non-Magic Formula” must be applied, however just in different ways. Let’s get into it:
You can start this by first start by getting some business cards. I mean you can do it without them, but they add a certain amount of professionalism to it. Without business cards you need better skills at creating rapport with people. Here’s the method I use all the time:
(CONTACT). Say “Hi”.
If they say “hi” back…
Then give them a compliment.
Smiling can help a lot in this and looking them in the eye. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART and everything that follows rests on this feeling you give them. So be genuine and see if you notice a “spark” of “something real” between you and them. This is actually where reality comes in. This is where you have the ability to actually make a new friend or not. You’re not going to have chemistry with everyone and actually only a few people will give you this real feeling. To be honest, this is the people you’re looking for! You’re looking for people like yourself, who understand you on a basic level. These people are the people you can work best with on your team! Don’t worry so much about the other ones.
Then ask them if you can give them your business card. If they say “yes” then give it to them. Then ask them the qualifying question (almost at the same time): “I was just wondering if you’re open to making some extra income?” Usually most people are but not everyone. If they QUALIFY, then you have to be fast and get good at this next part (and this takes practice). Just say: “Ok, great! Smile and look then say: “Would you mind giving me your name and number and I’ll get back with you tomorrow with some more information about it?” (Hand them a blank index card and a pen at the exact same time in expectation AS YOU SAY THIS). You have to be decisive and confident for this to work. And it won’t work on everyone. You also will find that not looking at them in the eye at this point (when you ask for their name and number) will help as you focus on handing them the index card and pen. Having a confident voice with EXPECTATION that they will trust you and put their number on the paper are KEY! If you give a sense of fear, doubt, or that they shouldn’t trust you, this will kill all chances of this working. Again, if there is something real between the two of you, then build your confidence on this.
Positives and Negatives of this approach:
Positives: If you get into a habit of contacting people this way every day when you come into contact naturally with people, will allow you eventually find the people you naturally connect with and get one or two members a month. But the key is doing it once or twice EVERYDAY.
Negatives: This method can be stressful on you at first. It’s really hard to get good at this and it takes a lot of negative approaches first to build up “thick skin” to deal with the reactions of others you don’t know. In fact, the opinions of others you don’t know really can affect you. I don’t know why we think they matter so much as you probably won’t see that person again in your life! But nevertheless, its a very valuable skill and if you can succeed with this, you can do almost anything.
When you first start, just give out your business card EVERY DAY. That’s it. Period. Don’t say anything if you can’t say it confidently. Then implement one more step in the process at a time and get better and better at it. Copy the script and keep it handy so you can memorize it (it’s pretty easy). Eventually you will get great at it, but not before you’re really bad at it!
This takes some skills to get good at too. Because you don’t really know them and they you, it’s hard to get the courage up to call them at first. But just make it simple and remember, it’s just about qualifying them again. Alan says that if they QUALIFY and have watched the video and like it that the next step is FOLLOW UP and ANSWERING QUESTIONS. So, your conversation is going to look something like this for example:
(You): “Hi! Is (Name) there?”
(Them): “Yes, this is he/she.”
(You): “Hello! This is (Your Name). Do you remember me? I talked with you the other day at (The place you met).
(Them): “Oh yeah”. (But if they say): “Sorry who is this?”
(Then You say): I had asked you if you were interested to make extra income.
(Them): “Oh yeah, I remember you now”.
(You): “Oh great! Yeah, I just wanted to ask you if you got to check out the website on the business card I gave you and what you thought of the video?”
Possible Answers:
Answer One:
(Them): “Oh, it was great.”
(You): “Oh awesome. What did you like best (name)?”
(Them): “I liked the part about being able to make extra money.”
(You): “Ok great! On a level between 1-10, how interested are you in finding out more about it?”
(If they say anything above SIX. Anything lower, they don’t really qualify)
(Them): “About a seven or eight”
(You): “Ok excellent! Listen, because your interest level is high, I want to introduce you to my business partner (their name). (don’t say “sponsor or upline”): (Give them reason to respect your leader or sponsor): He’s made a lot of money with this business and knows everything about this business and definitively a lot more than I do and will be able to answer any questions you might have. Let me see if I can reach them on a 3-way call really quick. He/she’s really busy, but I think I might be able to get them on for a couple mins.”
(Them): “Ok”
(You. Try to get them on the 3-way call. If you need to try and communicate via FB Messenger of Skype, you can do this by saying instead: “Because your interest level was so high, I would like to introduce you to my business partner. Unfortunately, they live in (place) and are only available on (Facebook Messenger or Skype). Would you be willing to friend me on FB Messenger (or accept my invitation on Skype) so we can have a 3-way chat?” If they say “yes” then proceed with that. If they aren’t sure, then tell them: “Oh ok, well, we can try to connect by email instead if you like and introduce them that way. What’s your email address?”
Whatever method you use for 3-way “call”.
When you get them on the 3-way call or on FB Messenger or Skype, then say: “Hi (their name), this is (Your team leader/Sponsor’s name). I know you’re super busy, but thanks again for taking the call. This is (prospects name). Then let your team leader take over the call.
Your team leader will create rapport, quickly explore what they liked best, and see how high their interest level really is (through a number of subtle questions) and if high enough so that they qualify, invite them to join your link as a trial member.
When you’re done with the call, just tell your prospect “It was so nice to meet you and thank you for your time. I look forward to working with you!” and if you need to contact them again because of what your sponsor/team leader said, then just re-confirm that.
THIS WHOLE PROCESS WAS DONE SIMPLY TO CREATE MORE TRUST AND VALIDATION FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Those that are truly interested, will join. Others who are still skeptical or not really as interested, won’t. Realize that if they ARE interested but don’t join, that it was probably a trust issue. That’s why following up with your prospects many times might help to build this trust factor. Some of my prospects I contacted many times over the years and eventually brought them into my business.
Answer Two:
(Them): “Oh, I didn’t get to see the website or video yet, but I definitely will…”
(You): “Oh ok. Well, when do you have time to watch it?”
(Them): “Probably tomorrow in the (morning, afternoon or night).
(You): “Oh ok. Do you mind if I connect with you after that?”
(Them): “Sure”.
Congrats on reading through this method. Continual practice of it is the only way to succeed with it!
Part III:
Doing Ads Online; Safelist Marketing
Here’s a video to help you have more success with PMS and advertising online. Having a good autoresponder is crucial in succeeding with the Prosperity Marketing System. Not only because it helps you with Critical Skill #3 (Effective List Building) but because PMS uses cookies, and you can lose “tour takers”. In Safelist Advertising, many people have joined PMS in the past as it is widely advertised there, and this can have an effect on your success.
If they have joined PMS in the past with another sponsor, the cookies will bring them back to their old sponsor if they’re using the same internet browser that they used originally when they signed up. For this reason, you have to be able to get your subscribers on your list first and then effectively connect with them so they will join you in PMS. We were able to get new members in PMS all the time using this method and know you will too. We encourage all our members to use a free account with AWeber to get started. But If you would like to follow our method of using PLS instead of AWeber, then please contact your sponsor/team leader or Albie for details and we will help you. We will show you how to connect our team share code to get the team campaign that will allow you to earn from GDI, PMS and PLS.
You can see your team leaders page here: TEAM LEADERS LINK.
Don’t forget to find your team leaders name and click on it to go to their page!
Ok, so from Steps One and Two, you should be connecting with your warm prospects. Now in this Step, you should be in the process of learning how to connect and network with “cold” prospects. Also, you should have got your PMS pages connected with AWeber and advertising online. You should have learned these things:
1) “The Formula for PMS” Setup. Let us know how you did!
2) Learning how to contact prospects. How has this been going for you? Explain what you’ve been doing.
3) Getting your PMS splash pages connected to AWeber or PLS. How’s this going?
4) Advertising on Safelists. How’s your progress going?
5) What is the importance of sharing the “Power of One” with your team?
Let us know when you’re finished with these so you can go to Step Four!

Here’s the info on the AWARDS page:
We look forward to helping you! Email us at: