Before You Go To Step 2




IF YOU’RE IN PLS Click HERE Instead! 

If you’re in GDI or PMS, simply EMAIL back your Team Leader the answers to these questions below and/or let them know you read this and what your thoughts were concerning: 

1) What are your thoughts on creating massive leverage online?
2) How many people you’ve contacted on your list and how you’re doing

with the “Non Magic Formula”? 
3) Did you connect with your team leader on Facebook and Skype?
4) What are your thoughts on the Sixteen Steps as a Funnel?
5) If you’re in PMS, were you able to get your funnel started? Explain.
6) Did you click the red button and join the “Advertising specials” or (if you couldn’t afford it) join the 20 advertising sites for free in the Downline Builder?
7) Have obtained the book “The 12 Pillars” and started reading it.
8) Are you in the “Incentive Plan? If so, how are you doing?
Let your team leader know so you can move to Step Two! 

We look forward to helping you! Email us at:





Here’s info about the AWARDS!


We look forward to hearing from you!

Email Albie at:


