Before you go to Step 10





Okay, so you have now come to the end of Step 9. These are the review questions below to answer and email back to your team leader:
1. Have you gone through The Secret of the Big Dogs and Referral Frenzy Training? NOTE: The Referral Frenzy “Strategy” is at the end of the RF Training and is a separate page. If you haven’t gone through them, we greatly encourage you not to miss out on these.
2. You should have also read all the “Advanced Traffic Secrets” and please share your thoughts about it with your team leader. 
3. Do you understand the concepts to creating capture pages? Did the video on capture pages help you? Please try making a new capture or splash page. Let your team leader know if you need help! Then send him the link to your new capture page.
4. Do you feel empowered to bring in 3000 hits a week now? If not you either need to work harder at earning credits, join the Mentors Program, so we can help you more personally, gain more credits by clicking on upgraded safelists, or use the Secret of the Big Dogs/Referral Frenzy and/or Advanced Marketing Secrets to make this happen.
I would NOT encourage you to go to the next step until you have a grasp upon a real solution for getting at least 3000 hits a week!
FINISHED? Talk to your team leader about going on to Step Ten and understanding all about your Email List! 


Great job going through this Step!

I truly hope you learned a lot!








Copywritten by Albion Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska 2022

No authorization to use or copy original material within the Sixteen Steps without permission.

The only exception is unless material is originally owned by a different author.

Our contact information and address:

Albion Derbyshire


22 W. Green St. apt 211.

Pasadena, CA. 91105